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GDC ’09 at AlArabiya TV

A report that has been recorded by AlArabiy TV (an Arabic TV news channel, will be aired in the following times today 30 Dec, 2009 and tomorrow 31 Dec, 2009:

KSA GMT Program
16:00 13:00 News / الأخبار
17:00 14:00 News/ الأخبار
18:00 15:00 News / الأخبار
20:00 17:00 News / الأخبار
21:00 18:00 News / الأخبار
01:00 22:00 News / الأخبار
02:00 23:00 News / الأخبار

I will be recording the report and display it in here. Have fun.


To share the Saudi Dynamics AX community group news between the community, Ammar Abuthuraya – Developer & Platform Solutions Maanger at Microsoft Arabia has created a new group on facebook and called it: Microsoft Dynamics AX Brains.

Through this group we will publishing technical discussion, new downloads and releases, and most importantly: Dynamics AX Community events and news.

Feel free to join us at: Microsoft Dynamics AX Facebook group.


Dynamics AX Community @ Saudi Arabia :D

Microsoft is planning to establish a new technical group concerning Microsoft Dynamics AX and attracting the Microsoft Dynamics AX/Axapta developers, application consultants, technology consultants, architects, support engineers, consultant team leads, and even project managers’ in Saudi Arabia.

The community will be announced during the sessions of Gulf Develoeprs Conference ’09 (with in the current three days).


We are interested in your feedback about the communityDownload from here a feedback form and kindly send it back to me  to:



Microsoft Gulf Developers Conference ’09

As part of the events that Microsoft held in Gulf region, Saudi specially, for developers who use or might be interested in Microsoft development platforms, technologies, and products… a new conference will take place in Riyadh in the 13th of December, 2009 for three days. This conference will be called as: GDC ’09.

“With the current release of latest new Microsoft technologies (e.g. Win7, Expression3, SL3), and the intense anticipation for upcoming Microsoft technologies (e.g. Office 2010, SharePoint 2010 & VS2010), GDC’09 is expected to attract the attention of many developers in the region. ” from Microsoft site.

Microsoft Dynamics AX is also part of the interests. For Microsoft Dynamics AX sessions, I have been chosen to cover the technical part and the development tools of Microsoft Dynamics AX at a glance.

I have decided to divide the sessions into three, like the following:

1.    Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics AX Architecture and Development Environment

·         This session will give the developers a great overview of the technology used in Dynamics AX through describing tiers of architecture and development tools. The excitement in this session would come when the “fresh Dynamics AX developers” notice the ease, beauty and flexibility of developing inside such environment and using those tools.

2.    Microsoft Dynamics AX with other Microsoft Technologies

·         Aligning Dynamics AX with other Microsoft technologies will be shown clearly in this session. Adding value to Microsoft Dynamics AX like BI reporting, web interface and workflow is available out of the box and all are using Microsoft products like SQL Server platform, SharePoint technology and .NET framework.

3.    Integrating Microsoft Dynamics AX with External Systems

·         By this session, the cycle of Microsoft Dynamics AX development will complete. In addition to developing inside Dynamics AX and out-of-the-box integration with Microsoft products, integrating with external systems (Microsoft and non Microsoft technologies) is described here with available ways, tools and technologies.

I will put a schedule for my sessions 0nce I get them. I will also update the plug with what will happen during the events.

Dynamics AX 2012 Event

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